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Exploration Series • Visiting Artists • Nicolle Natrass & TJ Dawe

Between September 27 and October 3rd, the Sunset Theatre is thrilled to be hosting BC Artists, Nicolle Natrass (Playwright & Performer), and TJ Dawe (Dramaturg/Director).

Nicolle’s latest play, Suddenly 50!, is part of our 2020 2021 Exploration Series. Nicolle & TJ will spend a week at the Sunset working on the next stage of development for this beautiful, funny and thoughtful play.

The Exploration Series was created in 2006 by Sunset Theatre Artistic Director, Karen Jeffery, to provide a space and place for Canadian Artists to create new work. For the past few years, this program has been generously funded by the BC Arts Council, and we are thrilled that recently confirmed that the Canada Council for the Arts will support our 2022 Exploration Series.

Suddenly 50… • Playwright’s Notes • Nicolle Natrass

I am honoured to be able to participate in the exploration series…to enjoy the unique setting at the Sunset Theatre in Wells, BC especially after the massive challenges that theatre has faced during Covid-19.

So many delays and cancellations.

This residency has been cancelled & postponed twice due to Covid-19 but the other was due to a personal health emergency that I faced in 2019. 

A week prior to the start of my exploration of my new play, (working title) Suddenly You’re 50…I ended up in hospital with a gall stone attack? Gall stones?  How ironic is that? After emergency surgery & week long hospital stay, I think I am well enough to travel to make it to the Exploration series when I start coughing and have problems breathing… sure enough, I managed to catch walking pneumonia. Pneumonia? Wait a minute… 

What’s an artist to do? In truth I felt heartbroken about both cancellations, fearing that this show might succumb to a slow death via the path of a never-ending Creative U-turn… I quickly recognized this was just “Doubt” making itself to be good counsel and remembered how after having written 9 plays, I knew what to do. Open a large blank journal, tune in and lean in.

Listen, give space, explore the obstacle and follow the Creative alchemy. Below are examples of my exploration of these obstacles. As an artist, I believe that sharing my own creative process can help to ease barriers and open accessibility for others to explore too. 

Suddenly 50…will be my tenth play and I am looking forward to writing time, working with TJ Dawe, my dramaturge and receiving what I need to transition it into the next stage of development.

I understand that obstacles and transitions are integral to a creative process. I am incredibly grateful to be a part of this series. That my play can finally land after many obstacles and arrive in the perfect timing of the transition of seasons, from summer to fall. I am looking forward to having this time to  integrate & transition my experience over the last 1.5 years into this new play.

For more information about my work in the world,  Bio is already up on the website.

Follow my new play, Suddenly 50 facebook page here-


Suddenly 50… is a one woman show that explores the rite of passage into the Season of 50… a whole lot of mid-life you didn’t expect, including an all-inclusive vacation with your aging parents, gallbladder surgery and what to do with broken pieces.

Earlier Event: September 25
Film Screening • Minari